
How To Wear Your Hair Under A Motorcycle Helmet

Motorcycle helmet pilus is hilarious – if information technology's not happening to you.
But at the end of a motorbike ride, helmet hair is of a sudden not then funny.
Your hair'south either become a big tangled mess that passing birds attempt to nest in.
Or information technology's flatter than roadkill … and just about as pretty.
So what can you practice?

You lot tin can't avert motorcycle helmet hair – just you can set it. Make clean hair and very little product are a practiced starting time. Long hair needs to be wrapped up, and safely tucked away from the wind. Flat hair can be brought back to life with some simple tricks like dry out shampoo, and leave-in conditioner. And if all else fails … suspension out a hat!

The all-time way to deal with motorbike pilus issues is to have a program.
With a picayune preparation and insider tricks, you tin make certain that when you take off your helmet, people will smile, rather than back away in terror.

I've been riding on the back of motorcycles for 27 years.
And in that fourth dimension, believe me, I've learned a few tricks the hard way.

Here'south how I deal with a whole range of motorcycle hair challenges – from wrangling long hair, to taming wild outlaw bangs, and even the trials of road trip hair.

There's a fix here for every situation.
Let's make a beginning.

Get Your Hair Gear up to Ride

Protect your crowning glory with a little pre-planning.

Start With Clean Hair

Before yous go anywhere almost your motorcycle helmet, make sure your pilus is clean. Pulling a helmet over dingy hair is a terrible thought.

Withal, some 'experts' recommend it!
I've read plenty of advice that says not to wash your pilus for a few days before a ride, to permit the natural oils moisturize your hair.

And also: yuck.

If you do that, your helmet liner will exist a stinky, slimy mess, and your hair will exist equally lank and greasy every bit a teenage male child's.

It's not a look you're probably aiming for.
Then avoid that disgusting outcome by starting the ride with clean hair.

Now, ideally, that'd involve a spare 60 minutes, and a deep warm bath full of rose petals. Be nice, wouldn't information technology?

start with clean hair

Merely back in the real world, we demand to ask…

When should you wash your hair?

Well, that largely depends on the weather.

In colder conditions, launder it the day before the ride, so information technology's dry before you get on the motorcycle. Moisture hair in a motorcycle helmet will merely make you colder on a chilly twenty-four hours.

Simply if the mercury is gear up to soar, wet hair in a motorcycle helmet is a good affair.
A little cakewalk through damp hair will aid keep you cooler.
So on a hot day, wash your hair on the morning of a ride.

Conditioner is Essential

Whatever the weather, be extra generous with the conditioner earlier a motorcycle ride.

Go out information technology on for an actress couple minutes and so it really coats the hair shaft.
Finish with a cool rinse to help flatten the hair cuticles, and tame the frizzies.
Y'all want your pilus to be super moisturized, and ready for anything.

And the power of conditioner doesn't end in the shower.
Earlier you lot put that helmet on, add some other layer of protection with some leave-in conditioner.

But any you practice, DON'T PUT ANY ON THE ROOTS.
That's where the trouble of flat hair starts!

Just a quick swipe of leave-in conditioner through the ends volition aid preclude dryness. It also doubles equally a styling agent, without weighing downwardly the roots with production.

This is a much better styling pick than gel or hairspray, which will create a sticky, messy build-up inside your helmet.

OK, that's plenty fussing with the prep.
Let'southward look at the challenges of having a lot of hair to fit under your helmet.

How to Clothing a Motorcycle Helmet With Long Pilus

Long hair on a motorbike brings a special set of challenges.

Because long hair has a rebellious streak.
It yearns to escape from your motorbike helmet.
It aches to wing complimentary in the air current.

And yes, long hair billowing in the wind is romantic, wild, feminine.

how to wear a motorcycle helmet with long hair

On a motorcycle, it looks dramatic and glamorous.
We've all seen the movies where a adult female climbs aboard a bike and takes off with her long pilus flight behind her like a silky flag.

But it won't be silky for long!

Hollywood biker chicks have an army of behind-the-scenes stylists – all focused on fixing their hair. The audience never sees the 2 hours of careful detangling and multiple $400 conditioning treatments required.

In the real world, long hair that's escaped from a motorcycle helmet DOESN'T wait wild and gorgeous.

It just makes you expect similar yous live in a befouled with the other subcontract animals.
That tangled haystack on your caput is closer to grazing fodder for cows than cherry carpet glamor.

And information technology doesn't simply look awful.
At present information technology's damaged too.

All that wind is really destructive.
Your wind-whipped hair is divide. It's dry and knotted.
It'll take forever to brush out all the snags and snarls.

Y'all may detect a bird'due south nest, or a couple of warm little eggs in in that location while you lot're brushing.

The solution is uncomplicated.

The only fashion to article of clothing a motorcycle helmet with long hair is to necktie your hair dorsum.
Not in a pretty, loose ponytail that can hands escape.
It has to hog-tied securely and then it can never make a wild nuance for freedom.

At that place are about a million pilus wrap 'systems' out at that place which promise to keep long hair under control under a helmet.

Perhaps they work. I don't know.
I don't have time to try all the different options.
So hither's what I do (it's quick, and information technology works).

  • I make a tight, low bun at the nape of my cervix.
  • I tuck the bun into the high scroll neck of a sweater.
  • I wrap a scarf effectually my neck, trapping the bun under another layer.
  • And then I put my jacket on.

My long hair is now safely bundled up past a pilus tie, scarf and sweater.
Everything's held in place past my zipped up jacket.

My reckless desperado long pilus is under control for now.

tame long hair in a motorcycle helmet

With this approach, your hair has no selection only to stay where it is.
And now when yous take your helmet off, passing birds won't error your head for a possible nesting site.

How to Bargain With a Fringe, or Bangs, in a Motorcycle Helmet

Ah yep, this is another big motorbike helmet hair challenge.

There are two things you can do before a ride to avoid having greasy bangs plastered to your forehead when you take off your helmet.

i.  Brand sure your bangs are squeaky make clean.

Wash them the morn of the ride and blow them completely dry.
Using a straightening fe helps to set them in place for longer.
Utilize ZERO products – they only add to the grease cistron.

ii.  Accept a make clean forehead.

Keep the moisturizer, sunscreen and makeup to a minimum on your forehead.
If your bangs are sandwiched betwixt your helmet liner and layers of greasy lotions and makeup, of course they'll go slimy.

If you need SOME coverage, use some pulverisation with a fiddling colour in it.
At least that absorbs oil and shine, rather than adding to information technology.

The cleaner you tin can continue your bangs and the surrounding areas, the ameliorate.
It does make a difference.

motorcycle hair bangs challenges

Why You Need a Motorbike Helmet Hair Emergency Kit

OK, so your hair is clean.
It's safely tied back.
Will that solve the biker chick hair bug in one case and for all?

Afraid non.

With the best grooming in the world, there will Always be some repairs to exercise at the cease of a motorcycle ride.

But don't worry.
The process is easy, and doesn't take a infinitesimal.
All you need are a few simple tools that volition fix hair problems on the spot.

That's why you need to pack a helmet hair emergency kit.
Here's what you should take with you on the motorcycle:

  • A mini hairbrush, or small comb
  • A small tube of go out-in conditioner (and for seriously flat hair…)
  • Dry out shampoo.

If you lot have travel sized versions of these, they'll take up next to no space in your bag.
But they'll brand the earth of difference to how your hair looks.

Here's what you practise with these magical items.

How to Prepare Motorcycle Helmet Hair After the Ride

When you put in such great preparation, y'all'll be less worried at the end of a ride.
But you still need to know a couple of secret tricks once the helmet comes off.

helmet hair emergency kit

Pull out that emergency bike hair kit.
Find a bathroom for some privacy if yous can, and effort this…

If your pilus is long…

If y'all have long hair, untie it from its bonds, and finger comb your hair.
You now have soft waves set by the bun, and held in identify past the go out-in conditioner.

If your hair is straight rather than wavy, give it a quick brush instead.

If your hair is apartment…

Whether your hair is long or brusque, the biggest pilus problem at the end of the ride is flat roots. So once your hair is tangle-costless, it'south time to break out the dry shampoo.

Here's what you practise:

  • Elevator up a scattering of hair on the top of your caput.
  • Working in sections, sprinkle a niggling of that magic pulverisation onto those flat roots.
  • And so turn your caput upside down, and gently rub the shampoo into your roots to revive them.
  • Stand again, and finger comb or brush your pilus.

Much meliorate!

What nearly the bangs?

A fringe or bangs tin can also benefit from the dry shampoo treatment.
Hold the fringe directly up, sprinkle the powder on the roots, rub it in, so re-arrange the bangs with your fingers.

This whole process volition take under two minutes in the diner bathroom.
And OK, no-ane is likely to mistake y'all for Marilyn Monroe at this betoken.
Just you won't look like you were raised by wolves either.

These steps will help you fix motorcycle helmet hair on a weekend ride.
Just what about if yous're going on a road trip?

That normally involves wearing a helmet all mean solar day long.
EEEK! What will that do to your hair?

Don't panic.
Nosotros tin handle that likewise…

How to Deal with Motorcycle Helmet Hair on Route Trips

There's a big difference betwixt dealing with cycle hair bug on a Sunday afternoon ride, and the much bigger challenges of a longer trip.

Yes, your hair is MUCH flatter after a total solar day inside a motorcycle helmet.
It may fifty-fifty have pretty little imprints from the helmet liner in it.


motorcycle hair on a road trip

But if you lot're on a road trip, a motel room is waiting at the stop of the ride.
That means you have access to more than tools – and more than tricks!

Yous'll need to bring that emergency hair kit we just talked about.
Pack a minor travelling straightening fe, likewise, and yous'll take everything you need.

Allow's walk through the procedure together.

OK, and so you arrive at your little motel later on a total day's ride.
You pull off your helmet to check in.
The motel receptionist gasps in fearfulness, and takes a step back, covering her eyes.

Your hair is and so flat, your true cat could've been sleeping on your head.
The height of your hair has weird helmet imprints pushed into it.
Your bangs are plastered to your forehead.

Yep, no wonder the poor receptionist is scared.
Just smile bravely, grab your room key, and slam the door behind you.
Lock it, in case she'south called the police.

Oh yeah, all-day motorcycle helmet hair is cruel.

Merely trust me, yous can fix this.
And it'll only take about 3 minutes.
Here's how you do it.

The Road Trip Hair Rescue Routine

one.  Start with the bangs.

If you have bangs, crack open up some shampoo.
There might be a mini shampoo bottle waiting for you on the sink if you're lucky.
Launder and rinse the bangs only.
Towel them dry.

2.  Deal with any tangles.

Sometimes even hair that's been locked downwards for the ride manages to break free.
Then brush your hair gently (or divide curls with your fingers) to make sure there are no knots.

3.  Find the dry shampoo in your bag.

Sprinkle dry out shampoo onto the roots on top of your head.
Turn your caput upside down, and rub it lightly into your scalp.

iv.  Search for the hairdryer.

Most motels hide a hairdryer somewhere in the bathroom.
Ransack the cupboards and cabinets until yous find information technology.
Blow dry out your bangs, and apply some heat to your roots to bring your pilus back to life.

5.  Did you bring a travelling straightening atomic number 26?

If so, plug it in, and utilise information technology to smooth and mode any parts of your hair that make you lot await function-wild-fauna.
If you lot forgot to bring it, don't worry.
Skip to the next step.

vi.  Use leave-in conditioner.

This is where your small travel bottle of leave-in conditioner comes into its ain.
It doubles equally a styling product and hair moisturizer.
Rub a niggling lightly through the ends of your pilus, then it smells fresh and sits well.

That's all at that place is to information technology!

road trip hair rescue

But wipe the road dirt off your face, slick on some lipstick, and you've joined the man race once again.

What If You Tin't Face Dealing With Motorcycle Helmet Hair?

Sometimes, especially afterward a long ride, you don't want to recollect about your hair.
You lot'd rather just observe a bar, and something decent to consume.
In that case, even these uncomplicated motorcycle hair tips are too hard.

Fair enough.

If you're in that frame of mind, I take you covered, also.

Don't worry nigh making your hair look improve.
Merely go to Program B…

Unpack your favorite hat.

hide your bike hair under a hat

If your pilus still looks a little wild, well now it looks like information technology's meant to exist like that.

Now You Know How to Deal With Motorcycle Helmet Hair!

Just because you've spent all 24-hour interval on a motorcycle, your hair actually doesn't need to be flatter than roadkill or every bit tangled as a bird'south nest. With these applied tips, y'all tin can await better and experience more confident when the helmet comes off.

Now y'all tin can stop worrying about your hair, and become back to loving the thrill of the ride.

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